New Principal Profile Q&A: Jill Spiva, Addison Elementary School
Principal Jill Spiva has served as an educator in Cobb Schools for 20 years, and starting in June, she will lead Addison Elementary School as principal.
She is looking forward to the Addison community getting to know her and learning that she is customer-friendly, always has an open door, and believes “‘we’ can do a lot more than any of us can do on our own.”
The community can learn more in the question and answer interview below. Principal Spiva, who currently serves as assistant principal at Davis Elementary School, explains her connection to the community, how she relates to parents and fellow educators, and what she loves about being an educator.
Question: Why are you excited to serve the Addison Elementary School community as principal?
Answer: “As a mom who is also raising children here in East Cobb, I know how important Addison is to the families and community. As parents, we choose to live and raise our families here in Cobb because we know our children will be provided the best opportunities while also living in a great community. I’m thrilled to both parent and lead in this community!”
Question: What most impresses you about the students and school community at Addison Elementary School?
Answer: “Addison is a unique school that really reflects the best parts of living and learning in East Cobb. Principal Hallmark has led the staff here to provide our students not only excellent academics but also leadership and character development. I know Addison is a school that shows why Cobb continues to be the best place to teach, lead and learn. I couldn’t be more excited to lead here.”
Question: What does student success look like to you?
Answer: “Every child has unique strengths, weaknesses, and experiences. Personal, real connections with their teacher makes a student part of the Addison family and allows their teacher to understand what a student knows and what they need. Success is each student becoming better today than they were yesterday.”
Question: What do you like most about being an educator? Do you have a favorite memory?
Answer: “There are too many stories of too many students and their families to pick just one. But that’s the answer, it’s always the relationships. It’s about the smile on a student’s faces when they “get it” for the first time; it’s the bonds you develop with teachers and staff; it’s the tone in a parents voice when we have grown their little people into readers and writers.”
Question: Outside school, where might students, parents, or staff members run into you?
Answer: “When I’m not at school, you can almost always find me chasing my three kids, whether it is around the kitchen table, their sporting events, or enjoying the outdoors. If I’m not supporting a student, teacher, or parent, I’m probably spending time with mine.”