
A Reason to Brag: Ed-SPLOST Rebuild of Osborne High School

Osborne High School rebuild through Ed-SPLOST

Annette Hansard has worked as a teacher at Osborne High School for more than 50 years. For her, the needs of the students have not changed and her mission to help each student succeed has not changed.

What has changed? The building. 

Osborne High School is now a state-of-the-art educational facility. Ms. Hansard watched out her classroom window as the school around her underwent a major renovation and rebuild thanks to the community’s support through Ed-SPLOST. 

The dedicated Osborne teacher gushed as she showed off the new school building: “It is so nice! It is beautiful!”

The new and improved Osborne High School welcomed students to campus in Fall 2020.

Watch the time lapse video of Osborne’s rebuild: 

“It is a whole revitalization,” said video production teacher Cornelius Baker. “Everything has changed. [The students] are proud of [the school building.] It is amazing!”

According to Mr. Baker, Osborne students can now go on social media and show off pictures of their new school and brag about the high school. 

Culinary arts teacher Holly Simpson said some visitors may confuse the school’s culinary lab for the school’s cafeteria because of its size and what it provides students who are able to come in and actually cook. 

“It is great to have this type of facility,” she added. “We have more than enough space to accommodate all of our students.”

Like the other Cobb high schools, Osborne High School’s football field also underwent a renovation when new turf was installed. 

Beyond the opportunities the school provides to students through its expansive classrooms and new technology, the school has also started to host guests from across the county and state. 

For example, before school let out for summer break, the Georgia Board of Education chose to host one of its meetings at Osborne High School and its campus neighbor, the Cobb Innovation & Technology Academy (CITA), which was also built partially with the help of Ed-SPLOST dollars.

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