New Principal Profile Q&A: Michelle Curry, Bryant Elementary School

Bryant Elementary School will have a new principal starting July 1. Principal Michelle Curry most recently has been serving as principal at Norton Park Elementary School and will bring 24 years of education experience to students at Bryant. She joined the Cobb Schools team in 2001.
“I am thrilled to be joining the Bryant Family. I look forward to building relationships and engaging the community to support all students,” said Principal Curry.
In the Question-and-Answer section, Principal Curry explains why she is excited to join the Bryant team, what she plans to focus on, and what she likes the most about being an educator.
Question: Why are you excited to serve the Bryant Elementary School community as principal?
Answer: “I am excited to serve in a community that is so connected. The cluster as a whole works together and supports all students. I am excited to join the cluster and continue this support.
What has impressed me the most is the students’ tenacity during the pandemic, which was strengthened by the support of the entire school community.”
Question: What can the school community expect to see under your leadership?
Answer: “I plan to focus on the ‘whole student.’ It is so important to make sure our students have a strong foundation for learning. We also must focus on our student's social and emotional well-being. All means all to me. I believe in being inclusive of all our learners.”
Question: What does student success look like to you?
Answer: “Student success can be seen in many ways and is much more than numbers. Students becoming self-directed learners through goal setting shows success. Students and teachers being focused on teaching and learning also displays success. I want our students to look at success beyond the assessments and reflect more on the growth.”
Question: What do you like most about being an educator, or what is your favorite memory as an educator?
Answer: “I love developing relationships with students. I enjoy watching myself, as well as teachers, engage in learning new ways to reach students. I also love the fact that I am helping to shape the world through engaged students.”
Question: Outside school, where might students, parents, or staff members run into you?
Answer: “I am usually hanging out at my kids’ sports events on the weekends. I also love to travel with friends.”