
Cobb Wins National American Heart Association Fund-Raising Challenge

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As it has in years past, Cobb Schools participated in the American Heart Association’s Kid Heart Challenge. For more than 40 years, the AHA has been partnering with students and educators to promote healthy living and age-appropriate curriculum and activities.

In the Challenge, kids, teachers, and parents are presented with the tools needed to learn about heart health and how to take care of themselves physically and mentally while raising funds to save lives and make a difference.

AHA Youth Market Director Mandy Couch recently told Superintendent Chris Ragsdale that Cobb had won the 2021-22 national Challenge.

“I recently met with Mr. Ragsdale to share with him the incredible news,” said Ms. Couch. “For the first time, the Cobb County School District is nationally ranked #1 for dollars raised for the American Heart Association!”

During the July board meeting last week, Mr. Ragsdale announced the victory in his Superintendent Comments. “If anyone has been around me for more than 30 seconds, they know I am very competitive. It is awesome to be number one and to win, but when it has to do with saving lives, it is truly amazing. I want to thank all the schools, principals, and employees that took part in this vitally important fund-raising effort,” he said.

The Superintendent also revealed that Cobb had finished in third and fourth place in recent years, but the gap between a top-five finish and first place was still over a million dollars in funds raised. Cobb’s win in 2021-22 is a textbook definition of a team effort and is to be commended. 

“The Cobb County School District made an incredible impact on saving lives,” said Mr. Ragsdale proudly. “Congratulations to our principals and administrators for helping lead the campaign, our PE departments for implementing the program, and parents and community members for supporting our students. You truly are ‘heart heroes.’ We are looking forward to defending our national championship in the 2022-23 school year!”