Sign Up Today! ASP Registration is Open
The After School Program (ASP) provides a safe, fun, and nurturing environment for the care of elementary students in the Cobb County School District who attend face-to-face instruction from after school until 6:00 p.m. each day school is in session, including early release days.
ASP Highlights:
• $20 Annual Non-Refundable Registration Fee
• Attendance Fee Invoiced Weekly: $10 Per Day, Per Child
• Register, pay for, and manage accounts on any device
• View and print invoices, receipts, and annual tax statements
• Pay for programs using secure and convenient digital payment methods, including Apple Pay
Families can register their children now, so they are ready for the first day of school on August 1.
If your child attended ASP last year and you already have an Eleyo account, click here to register for the 2022-2023 school year. Did you forget your password? That is okay. There are directions on how to reset your password.
Please click here if you are new to the Cobb County School District or DID NOT set up an Eleyo account last year.
Once the enrolling adult logs into Eleyo, they will need to create a new contract for each child attending ASP for the 2022-2023 school year, whether they are returning from last year or new to the program this year.
For additional information regarding ASP in Cobb Schools, including answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the After School Program (ASP) website.