The Inside Scoop: CITA-Cobb's World Class Career Facility

In today's job market, having an advantage is a critical way to differentiate yourself. One significant advantage would be having training and real-world experience in the job field you are applying for. Job placement in a vital local business would be another. Cobb's Innovation and Technology Academy (CITA) offers both to Cobb County students and much more.
On today's episode of The Inside Scoop, David Owen discusses CITA with Director Dr. Tiffany Barney. There are many ways the cutting-edge academy is preparing students for rewarding and necessary careers in one of three main pathways: Maker Industries (construction, automotive, and mechanical), Emerging Technologies (IT and digital technologies), and Health Care and Community Services (Nursing, EMT, Surgical Tech). More than 15 different lucrative career opportunities are represented within the three pathways.
But this is just like vo-tech, right? Not at all. CITA is a high-tech building filled with the most modern and up-to-date training equipment and simulators you'll ever find in any public school building. Students are prepared for their chosen field in much the same way as any apprentice would be on the job. Graduates from CITA are ready to work from day one, with in-depth training and hands-on experience.
"Students can only want to be what they've seen," says Dr. Barney. "Our goal at CITA is to expose them to many careers and paths. They may try a class and decide it's not for them, and that's fine too. We want students to be aware that many career paths are available to them."