The Inside Scoop: CTLS, Brown University, and the Future of Education in Cobb

According to a recent in-depth study by Brown University, the Cobb Teaching and Learning System, or CTLS, is an innovative and unique digital learning platform. In addition, the study revealed that CTLS was a major factor in keeping Cobb students on track during the Covid pandemic.
Joining David Owen again on The Inside Scoop is Cobb's Chief Strategy and Accountability Officer, John Floresta. Mr. Floresta is closely associated with the development of CTLS and was very much involved with the authors of the Brown study as they researched and scrutinized the platform in 2022.
The four primary areas in CTLS—Assess, Learn, Teach, and Parent—work together to give all stakeholders in the Cobb educational process more information and a better handle on what's being taught, learned, and retained. While there is always room for improvement, CTLS is an exceptional tool that sets Cobb Schools apart.
Click here to learn much more about the Brown University study and CTLS.