
New Principal Profile: Dr. Katie Derman, Mountain View ES


Dr. Renee Garriss will retire as Principal at Mountain View Elementary at the end of June. Dr. Katie Derman will be taking over that position starting in July. Dr. Derman is a long-time educator and administrator and will be transferring to Mountain View from her current role as Assistant Principal at Pickett’s Mill ES.

“I am passionate about teaching and learning,” Dr. Derman said. “Walking into classrooms where students beam with pride as they eagerly share their work is absolutely the best part of every day. I am eager to lead Mountain View in continuing this success, and look forward to building relationships with everyone in the community.”

In the following Q&A, Dr. Derman describes her leadership philosophy and goals for Mountain View.

Question: Why are you excited about joining the Mountain View Elementary School community?  

Answer: The Mountain View Elementary School community is grounded in incredible partnerships between supportive families, talented staff, and numerous community partners that are committed to the success of every student. Mountain View is a wonderful place for students to learn and grow.

Q: What impresses you most about the Mountain View ES students, and what can the school community expect to see under your leadership?  

A: As I visited Mountain View for the first time, I enjoyed seeing students very excited to celebrate their success as we finish this school year. I am impressed with not only their high level of academic success but also their willingness to extend their learning, as evidenced by recently achieving STEM certification. The Mountain View community can expect to see a visible leader that is committed to creating a culture where all students feel safe, respected, and loved coming to school. I want each student to be proud of their personal growth and success and each staff member to enjoy their work and value the incredible impact they have on children. 

Q: What does student success look like to you?

A: To me, student success begins with building trusted relationships and is grounded in the belief that all children are capable of growing, learning, and accomplishing amazing things. Our students thrive when their learning is facilitated and supported by teachers and staff that believe in their ability to impact the future. Student success encompasses a love of learning. In elementary school, it is crucial that all students accomplish a strong academic foundation in order to prepare for future opportunities. 

Q: What do you like most about being an educator/principal, and what is your favorite memory as an educator?

A: Seeing the incredible growth that students can make in the six years of elementary school is so exciting to me. One of my favorite recent memories as an educator is enjoying a weekly “First Chapter Friday” with a fifth-grade class, where I chose a new book each week and shared just the first chapter with the students. The excitement we shared about books and the connections we made were unforgettable!   

Q: Outside school, where might students, parents, or staff members run into you?

A: Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family and cheering on my two kids in their various activities. I am also an avid runner and love to read. You’ll often hear me sharing what I am reading with staff and students around the school.

Welcome to Mountain View, Dr. Derman! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for the school and the community under your leadership...Derman-Mountain-View-Photo.jpgDerman-Family-Picture.jpgDerman-Student-Photo.jpg