
New Principal Profile: William Dryden, Sedalia Park ES


A new face will be around the halls and offices of Sedalia Park Elementary next year. Principal William Dryden has been reassigned to the school from his current role as Principal at Frey Elementary.

Principal Dryden is a 20-year education veteran who has served as a teacher and administrator. He also spent time in the U.S. Navy submarine force from 1992-98 as an electronics tech onboard the U.S.S. Omaha and the U.S.S. Columbia stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 

“I truly enjoy what I get to experience and learn every day,” Principal Dryden said. “In addition to my love for family and working in education, I have always sustained my passion for the arts through woodturning, painting, and playing banjo in the local bluegrass community.”

In the following Q&A, Principal Dryden outlines his leadership philosophy and goals for Sedalia Park.

Question: Why are you excited about joining the Sedalia Park Elementary School community? 

Answer: My education and administrative roots are in East Cobb, and I’m excited about returning to the area, joining a great team, and discovering where we’ll go in the next school year.

Q: What impresses you most about the Sedalia Park ES students, and what can the school community expect to see under your leadership? 

A: I will be spending plenty of time learning about the staff and student body to understand better how I can best serve them. Deploying a “listen, observe, interact” approach will be my strategy. We will discuss our collaborative vision by analyzing our strengths, areas of need, and specific goals to accomplish.   

Q: What does student success look like to you? 

A: Students are most successful when they are provided with the opportunity, engaged by highly trained and loving staff members, live in safe and supportive homes, and when they are taught to be advocates for themselves!

Q: What do you like most about being an educator/principal, and what is your favorite memory as an educator? 

A: I enjoy students’ energy and collaborating with teacher teams, and I feel a great sense of purpose and gratitude serving as a principal. The rewards from facing a fluid set of challenges are different from year to year. I have so many positive memories, and choosing just one is hard. I do know, however, that more wonderful memories will be created as long as I remain flexible, adaptable, and solutions-based in my approach to the field of education.  

Q: Outside school, where might students, parents, or staff members run into you? 

A: I enjoy spending time with my family. You’ll find me at my son’s lacrosse games, on a mountain bike, playing my banjo, or turning bowls on my wood lathe. I am grateful for the life I have today!

Welcome back to East Cobb and Sedalia Park, Principal Dryden! We also look forward to what lies ahead for you and the Sedalia Park community. We know many great things are to come...WD%20-%203.jpgWD%20-%205.jpgWD%20-%206.jpg