
First Annual ExceptiCON Special Ed Conference a Major Hit


The first annual ExceptiCON has been completed and can officially be called a success. Special Education teachers from all over the District gathered at McEachern High School to learn, encourage, and be encouraged by leaders, peers, and even students.

ExceptiCON is a special education conference designed to meet the specific needs of Cobb’s special educators. At the root of the term ExceptiCON is the word “exceptional.” Educators who instruct students with disabilities are exceptional teachers. The conference was designed to celebrate and refresh these inspirational leaders.

Rising middle schooler Ella Soto stole the show early with a short speech about her inability to hear. The former Baker Elementary fifth-grader is the District level winner of the Optimist Club Oratorical Contest for her address “Discovering the Optimism Within Me.” In her speech, Ella passionately related what it is like to be deaf while also describing the advantages and disadvantages of her cochlear implants. Her speech brought tears of joy to every participant as she told of her desire to become an artist and inventor.

Excepticon4.jpgElla Soto

Ella was followed by Cobb Schools' own Brad Cohen, an assistant principal at Bells Ferry Elementary. Mr. Cohen has Tourette Syndrome and has an incredible story about his life and his motivation to become “the teacher he never had.” His story is chronicled in his autobiography, co-written with Lisa Wysocky, and in a Hallmark Channel television movie called Front of the Class

“Ella and Brad Cohen were extremely encouraging and heightened my motivation,” said one teacher after hearing from both keynote speakers in the morning gathering. 

Excepticon3.jpgBrad Cohen

The participants were then released to attend four additional training sessions. Many breakout sessions were available that included topics as varied as techniques and tactics to resources and technologies. “I learned new ideas in the areas of transition, planning resources, behavior strategies, understanding the how and why of students that do not try, and received the introduction to the new features in CTLS,” said one grateful teacher summarizing all she learned at ExceptiCON.


“We cherish these teachers and their unique skill set and wanted to show them love by providing a day full of fun and swag bags,” said Supervisor of Special Education Services Melissa Lummis. “From our opening speakers to our presenters, the day was perfect.”

Attendees happily agreed with Ms. Lummis. “I really enjoyed the structure of the conference today. The time was good from beginning to end,” said one teacher. “I don’t know how you all will top this, but that was GREAT!”

“We enjoyed the informal, laid-back feel and positive energy,” one appreciative special educator mentioned. “I learned instructional strategies I can incorporate right away. It was hands-on and friendly,” agreed another.

All participants were pleasantly surprised by how well the conference was put together and packed with training while allowing enough time for breaks and conversations between the sessions.

One teacher perfectly summed up the day when she said, “Wow! All the classes I attended were informative and relevant, and the conference was organized, uplifting, and exciting!”

Thank you all for making this very first ExceptiCON a great success and something that Cobb’s special education teachers will talk about for months to come. Well done!
