
Adult Ed Students Celebrate GED and ESL Graduation


A consistent theme at last weekend's graduation ceremony was "Life Intervenes." It was a reminder that the graduates could appreciate and can now say, "Life Intervened, but We Overcame!"

More than 70 adult graduates made up the 2023 Cobb/Paulding Adult Ed Graduating Class. Fifty-two earned their GED, and twenty-one earned an ESL degree. Not every member of the class could attend the graduation, but well over half were there and supported by cheering family and friends.

"Superintendent Ragsdale's belief is to invest in the community," said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Ehsan Kattoula. "He doesn't want to leave anyone behind because we are investing in the community. We invest in our students, and it doesn't matter if they are six years old or 65 years old, we invest in them. These graduates are going to support both Cobb and Paulding communities. They have taken the road less traveled."


An emotional presentation was made to student Carmen Garcia, who was involved in a fatal car accident during Spring Break in April. Carmen's mother came forward to accept a special memorial certificate for her daughter.

Adult Ed Instructors Sophia Azhar and Cheryl James next presented the Director's Cup to Rayana Abrams. "The Director's Cup is all about perseverance. What is perseverance? It is dedication, endurance, and determination. It is continuing to work hard even when things aren't going your way. Rayana's persistence despite one thing after another happening makes her truly deserving of this award!" they said to cheers and applause from the entire audience.


Board of Education member Randy Scamihorn gave a short personal speech to the graduates before the certificates were handed out. "A lot of us that have come before you have walked a similar path, and I hope you use it as an inspiration to continue your journey through life. I would like to thank the family and friends represented here for supporting these graduates. That is also what I used as my foundation to get me through my own journey," Mr. Scamihorn said candidly.

As the graduates were called up individually, they each made their way across the stage and shook hands, hugged, and smiled their way to the lighthouse located on the far side, a symbol of direction and light.


"Take these words of Michael Jordan with you. 'Some people want it to happen; some people wish it will happen; others make it happen.' Graduates, you have made it happen," said Director Francia Browne to cheers and hearty agreement from the crowd.

"And now for my favorite part of the event," said Dr. Patricia Procope in conclusion. "Graduates, please stand and face the audience and turn your tassel from right to left. It is my honor to present to you the Class of 2023!"


Great job, graduates! Thank you for all your hard and perseverance. You are an inspiration to those around you. We look forward to what comes next for each of you...