A Georgia First! Barber Students Win National Poison Prevention Video Competition

Poisoning is one of the most common injuries for children in the United States. That is why Barber Middle School students put their video skills to use and created three videos about the dangers of poison and what you are supposed to do if you are poisoned.
They submitted the videos for the National Poison Prevention Week video contest that looks to students to help educate fellow students and parents about the importance of calling 1-800-222-1222 when a poison emergency happens. Out of all the videos submitted nationwide, one Barber video captured the grand prize. The award-winning student producers include Xenia Okonta, Sara Pilic, and Bailey Faulks. This marks the first time that students from Georgia have won the national contest.
As the producers of the top poison control video, the Barber students were invited to fly to Virginia to attend the awards ceremony. Xenia and Bailey accepted the award for the trio. In addition to the trip, the grand prize included $500, which will be divided between the students and their school.
The students were pushed to submit their videos by their teacher, Saundra Watts, who frequently looks for opportunities for her students to demonstrate what they have learned.
“My philosophy is, ‘Don’t listen to the children when you ask if they want to be involved in something because their first answer will be no. They will miss their blessings. Make them experience the experiences – that is the only way they will know what they are good at! They can apply what they learned in your classes to real-world experiences,’” Ms. Watts explained.