Almost 5,000 Years of Service! Cobb Schools Celebrates Retirees

Every year, Cobb Schools leadership, Board members, and other members of the school community come together to recognize the contributions of staff members who retired during the past school year.
Retirees from all corners of the District recently converged at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre to celebrate their 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, or 40 years of service to Cobb students. The event paid tribute to about 230 Cobb Schools retirees, who together have served Cobb students for almost 5,000 years! T
The group included teachers, bus drivers, principals, food services assistants, an assistant superintendent, and a variety of support staff. One of the longest-serving retirees in attendance was Bells Ferry Elementary School Principal Gail May, who is retiring after 38 years of service.
At least two people who were in the room know a little about what the 200+ retirees are feeling. Cobb Schools Board members Randy Scamihorn and Brad Wheeler are both career educators in the Cobb County School District. Even before becoming a Board member, Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Scamihorn served as administrators, understanding and supporting student needs in all four corners of the county.
“I’m grateful for opportunities, like the retirement luncheon, to visit with those who have spent so many years enriching the lives of students and preparing them for the world. Their wealth of experience has left an indelible mark on our community, inspiring generations to come,” said Mr. Wheeler.
Some of those Mr. Wheeler congratulated on stage during the retirement luncheon will not stay away from Cobb Schools long. They may be serving in different roles, but their mission will be the same—One Team. One Goal. Student Success.
Cobb Schools Retirees:
- Anna Abdulahi, Durham Middle School
- Charles Abel, Barber Middle School
- Brad Adams, Technology Services
- Deborah Allen, Compton Elementary School
- Karen D. Aluko, Hayes Elementary School
- Debbie Amodeo, Dodgen Middle School
- Rich Anderson, Smitha Middle School
- Maureen Andrizzi, Dickerson Middle School
- Paige Annabel, Pitner Elementary School
- Sharon Arduino, Smyrna Elementary School
- Carlos Barrera, Sprayberry High School
- Laurie Bartlow, Simpson Middle School
- Suling Beck, McEachern High School
- Kathryn Farrar Bernier, Davis Elementary School
- Barbara Beyke, McEachern High School
- James A. Bishop, Tapp Middle School
- Ora Bolton, McEachern High School
- Mary Bowen, Pope High School
- Denise Boykin, East Cobb Middle School
- Donna Bramlett, Garrison Mill Elementary School
- Julie Brauninger, Compton Elementary School
- Delphine M. Brinson, Transportation
- Charlene Elizabeth Brisco, Brumby Elementary School
- Andy Bristow, Durham Middle School
- Monica Durden Brooks, Green Acres Elementary School
- Wylie Brown, Lassiter High School
- Robin A. Brown, Garrison Mill Elementary School
- Catherine Strudthoff Brown, Financial Services
- Catherine Brown, Chief Technology Office
- Tammie R. Brown, Sanders Elementary School
- Francia Browne, Accountability
- Teresa Stickles Bunch, Campbell Middle School
- Randa T. Burden, Bells Ferry Elementary School
- Paula Burton, McEachern High School
- Karmen Callaway, Powers Ferry Elementary School
- Ashlynn Campbell, Harrison High School
- Cynthia R. Carwise, Wheeler High School
- Lisa J. Casazza, Blackwell Elementary School
- Tina L. Catton, Hollydale Elementary School
- Vera Causey, Clay Harmony Leland Elementary School
- Lauren Michele Cercone, Griffin Middle School
- Maria Julia Chu, Bullard Elementary School
- Jennifer Ciarletta, Ford Elementary School
- Daniel J. Clark, Dodgen Middle School
- Tom Clark, North Cobb High School
- Sandra Cobb, Pitner Elementary School
- Dorothy Cobern, Smitha Middle School
- Timothy J. Coker, Chief Technology Office
- Kimberlee Collins, Baker Elementary School
- Sandra Collins, Events & Venue Management
- Sheryl S. Cox, North Cobb High School
- Elizabeth Cox, Transportation
- Sally Creel, Academics Division
- Robin Crispin, Sope Creek Elementary School
- Dennis D. Crudup, Maintenance
- Dannell Custred, Austell Elementary School
- Everlena Gardner-Danforth, Sanders Elementary School
- Gloria Daniel, Awtrey Middle School
- Miska S. Davis, Baker Elementary School
- Lisa Day, McCleskey Middle School
- Beatrice De Santiago, Tapp Middle School
- Cindy Dockery, Hightower Trail Middle School
- Gail B. Douillard, Teaching & Learning
- Anne B. Edge, Kennesaw Elementary School
- Tracy Leigh Efaw, Campbell High School
- Jennifer Eitenmiller, Keheley Elementary School
- Donna Ellis, Argyle Elementary School
- Janine L. Espriella, Timber Ridge Elementary School
- Colette Evans, North Cobb High School
- Nicholas Evans, Smitha Middle School
- Wanda J. Felix, Powder Springs Elementary School
- Vircher Barry Floyd, Campbell Middle School
- Lori Kelsay-Fowler, Psychological Services
- Vanessa Frazer, Dowell Elementary School
- Daphne Sims Freeman, Russell Elementary School
- Ellie Garille, Baker Elementary School
- Chenedra Garnigan, East Cobb Middle School
- Mary Garrett, Frey Elementary School
- Christy Garvin, Murdock Elementary School
- Christine Gay, Floyd Middle School
- Felicia Glass, Walton High School
- Valerie S. Goodson, Osborne High School
- Michael Graham, Transportation
- Janet Grooms, Hightower Trail Middle School
- Barbara Hancock, CTLS Academics
- George Hansen, Kennesaw Mountain High School
- Lisa D. Harris, Lovinggood Middle School
- Sandra Harris-Changasia, Pebblebrook High School
- Rosemary Hartman, Campbell High School
- Camille Havis, Campbell Middle School
- Cara L. Hawkins, Cobb Horizon High School
- Frances Hebb, Daniell Middle School
- Debra K. Hebert, Cheatham Hill Elementary School
- Elizabeth Hendrickson, Still Elementary School
- Renee Hess, Frey Elementary School
- Teresa Hiles, Campbell Middle School
- Janice Cantrell Hill, North Cobb High School
- Stacy Hill, Barber Middle School
- Jackie Hodges, Hollydale Elementary School
- Brenda J. Holmquist, Murdock Elementary School
- Tirese Hood, Bryant Elementary School
- Kara Gustafson Horton, Varner Elementary School
- Laura J. Hough, Financial Services
- Michelle Irwin, Pine Mountain Middle School
- Christy D. Jackson, Allatoona High School
- Chris Jackson, Cobb Horizon High School
- Tammi Jacobson, Dickerson Middle School
- John Jeffres, Dodgen Middle School
- Mikki Johnson, Lovinggood Middle School
- Roy A. Johnson, Lovinggood Middle School
- Kat Johnson, Garrett Middle School
- Arkqular Jones, Osborne High School
- Victoria F. Knowles, Compton Elementary School
- Carol D. Kolakowski, Birney Elementary School
- Louis Lanus, Transportation
- Kelle Laushey, Tritt Elementary School
- James M. Lee, Griffin Middle School
- Stacy Levy, Chief of Staff
- Sammie Lewis, Transportation
- Jana Loftin, Campbell High School
- Jennifer Long, Austell Elementary School
- Ida Lowrie, Sope Creek Elementary School
- Melissa May Luck, Chalker Elementary School
- Sandra Magee, Eastvalley Elementary School
- Elizabeth Bristol Malte, Pope High School
- Leslie Mansfield, Teasley Elementary School
- Toni Manze, Food And Nutrition Services
- Donna Marsh, Campbell High School
- Elizabeth Mavity, School Leadership Division
- Gail May, Bells Ferry Elementary School
- Rosemarie M. McCarthy, Bryant Elementary School
- Valerie E. McClure, Tapp Middle School
- Ali McCown, Mableton Elementary School
- Mary McKibbon, Harrison High School
- Lynne McLaughlin, Lassiter High School
- Todd McMath, McEachern High School
- Fran McMath, Ford Elementary School
- Sue C. McWhorter, Powder Springs Elementary School
- Iris Mendralla, Baker Elementary School
- Sara Mercado, Pebblebrook High School
- Michelle Mikes, Instruction & Innovative Practice
- Jessica R. Miller, Pickett’s Mill Elementary School
- David Mitchell, Blackwell Elementary School
- Lorraine Mitchell, City View Elementary School
- Renee Mitchell, Eastside Elementary School
- Patrice Moore, Bullard Elementary School
- Daphne Lynn Moore, Birney Elementary School
- Susan Morlan, Kennesaw Mountain High School
- Kathy Mosher, Dowell Elementary School
- Teresa Mullaney, Hightower Trail Middle School
- Michele Myers, Nicholson Elementary School
- Christie Nash, Varner Elementary School
- Ian M. Nathanson, Keheley Elementary School
- Teri Neal, Pine Mountain Middle School
- Phyllis Neal, Smitha Middle School
- Andre Nettles, South Cobb High School
- Lorri Ocker, Brumby Elementary School
- Kelley Cone O’Hare, Nicholson Elementary School
- Sheila G. Olson, Pickett’s Mill Elementary School
- Enyinnaya N. Onyeukwu, Cooper Middle School
- Valerie Page, Simpson Middle School
- Michelle Patterson, Sope Creek Elementary School
- Miriam Payne, Green Acres Elementary School
- Sherona Pfaff, Sope Creek Elementary School
- Carol Pizza, Lassiter High School
- Rus Rainey, North Cobb High School
- Lori A. Reeves, Cobb Online Learning Academy
- William Rembert, Wheeler High School
- Julia Grey Richardson, Griffin Middle School
- Jerry Richerson, Barber Middle School
- Ann Rives, Lassiter High School
- John Robeck, Transportation
- Mandy Gai Robertson, Kincaid Elementary School
- Regina Robinson, Lovinggood Middle School
- Debbie Rowland, Varner Elementary School
- Rosa D’Astoli Santaiti, Sprayberry High School
- Tanya Sattelmeier, Addison Elementary School
- Vicki L. Scheffel, Kincaid Elementary School
- Jerry A. Schell, Chief Technology Office
- Michele Lee Scott, Varner Elementary School
- Aleem Shaw, East Cobb Middle School
- Linda C. Shealy, North Cobb High School
- Christine Shepherd, Awtrey Middle School
- Kent Simmons, Harrison High School
- Hermia C. Simmons-Deveaux, Milford Elementary School
- Clint Smith, McEachern High School
- Sharon Snellbacher, Big Shanty Elementary School
- Kimberly Solomon, Dodgen Middle School
- Celeste Sorensen, Wheeler High School
- John F. Speeney, North Cobb High School
- Amy Springfield, Chalker Elementary School
- Paul Stadtmuller, Lassiter High School
- Dianne Steinbeck, Powers Ferry Elementary School
- Adrienne Stewart-Ware, Harrison High School
- Katie Straka, Lovinggood Middle School
- Deshonda S. Stringer, Still Elementary School
- Sandy Swint, Dowell Elementary School
- Gwendolyn Denise Tatum, Garrett Middle School
- Michael Teters, Hillgrove High School
- Sue Thach, Sanders Elementary School
- Martin Thomas, Fleet Maintenance
- Melanie A. Timmerman, Procurement Services
- Nena Tippens, North Cobb High School
- Amanda Titus, Pine Mountain Middle School
- Lynn Tomlin, Bullard Elementary School
- Bonney Trollinger, Transportation
- Daisy Tsui, Mabry Middle School
- Stacy Tuttle, Special Student Services
- Will Tyler, Bells Ferry Elementary School
- Chioma Uwadie, Bryant Elementary School
- Stacy C. VanDevere-Ansari, Powder Springs Elementary School
- Anissa Wagley, Still Elementary School
- Laura Welch, Davis Elementary School
- Willie M. White-Martin, South Cobb Early Learning Center
- Kellye Whitlock, Barber Middle School
- Kapers Williams, Pebblebrook High School
- Patricia J. Williams, Kincaid Elementary School
- Grace Williams, Baker Elementary School
- Barbara E. Willis, South Cobb Early Learning Center
- Heidi Holman Wolff, Timber Ridge Elementary School
- Susan Wood, Transportation
- Bonnie H. Wright, Kennesaw Mountain High School
- Chandra S. Wyatt, Dowell Elementary School
- Becky Young, North Cobb High School
- Jenny Young, Pope High School
- Leetonia A. Young, East Cobb Middle School
- Yvonne Young, North Cobb High School