
Special Education - Frequently Asked Questions


Special Education

Where can I find more information about special education rules?

You can find information from the GA DOE here.  

How do I find out about funds for special needs scholarships?

The state of Georgia has a Georgia’s Special Needs Scholarship Program which is also referred to as SNSP or Senate Bill 10 funds (SB 10). For information about the Special Needs Scholarship Program, click here.  

How can I have special education questions answered in my native language?

The International Welcome Center can assist you with obtaining information in your native language.


How do I get my student evaluated?

Contact the Support and Services Administrator that is assigned to your child’s school who will work with you to address your question(s) regarding an evaluation.

SSA List is provided at the top of this page


Who do I contact with questions about Special Education Transportation?

The need for special education transportation is determined by your child’s IEP team. If special education transportation is indicated, it will be coordinated by the case manager. Please contact your child’s case manager or the Support & Services Administrator at your school with any transportation issues (i.e. moving, change in pick up/drop off location). Transportation changes may take up to 10 days to process.

If you have questions regarding your student’s special education transportation, Click HERE to access the special education transportation website.


What is a Facilitated IEP Team Meeting and how do I request one?

A Facilitated IEP Team Meeting (FIEP) is an optional process, not required by the IDEA, that state educational agencies (SEA) or school districts may provide to parents and schools.  A Facilitated IEP Team Meeting, lead by a facilitator, is designed to be a collaborative dispute prevention and resolution process used when members of an IEP team agree that the presence of a third party would help facilitate communication and problem solving.  IEP Facilitators can be useful in various ways, including when there is a history of communication challenges or a meeting is expected to be particularly complex or controversial.

A Facilitated IEP Team Meeting is the same as any other IEP team meeting, except that a facilitator from the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) joins the meeting.  The facilitator helps with communication among team members, and does not make decisions about the student’s IEP. The goal of a Facilitated IEP Team Meeting is to develop an IEP that is supported by team members and benefits the student.

In a facilitated IEP Team meeting:

  • Families and schools agree to have a facilitator join an IEP Team meeting.
  • Facilitators maintain open communication and ensure that everyone at the IEP Team meeting can participate fully.
  • If disagreements arise during the meeting, a facilitator can help the Team clarify and resolve them.
  • The facilitator typically does not address issues that are not related to the student’s IEP.

Who can request a Facilitated IEP Team Meeting?

  • Any parent whose child is in a Georgia school district participating in the GaDOE’s FIEP Team Meeting program, which includes the Cobb County School District

How do I request a FIEP?

  • Submit a completed request form to the GaDOE
  • For a request form, CLICK HERE

Why would I request a FIEP?

  • To have a trained facilitator from the Georgia DOE create an environment in which the IEP Team members can listen to each others’ point of view and work together to create a quality, student-focused IEP

Click below for additional information pertaining to the Facilitated IEP Team Meeting process.

Facilitated IEP (FIEP) Request Form

IEP Facilitation Parent Guide

FIEP Promotional Flyer

FIEP Promotional Flyer – Spanish


What are the high schools graduation requirements for students with significant cognitive disabilities?

 The graduation requirements have been established by the Cobb County Board of Education and can be found in Board Policy IHF-R: Graduation Requirements.

For the Board Policy, click here.


What are the Special Education Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology?

Special Education Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology  

District Administrative Rule JBCD-R Transfers

Click Here For More Information about Administrative Rule JBCD-R Transfers  

How to obtain a copy of your diploma.

Obtain a Copy of Your Diploma  


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