Title I - Georgia Department of Education Recognitions
Georgia Department of Education FY24 Title I Reward Schools
To recognize Title I schools for making significant progress in improving student achievement and/or significant progress in closing the achievement gap, the Georgia Department of Education honors K-12 schools through the Title I Achievement Awards program. This program recognizes and honors three categories of schools: Title I Distinguished Schools, Title I Reward Schools, and National ESEA Distinguished Schools.
Title I Reward Schools are Title I schools that rank in the top 5% of Title I schools in the state making the most progress in improving the performance of the all-students subgroup by comparing content mastery scores from the most recent two years of reported data on the statewide assessments.
Congratulations to the following three schools:
Acworth Intermediate School | Bertha Nelson, Principal |
Clarkdale Elementary | Dwan Jones, Principal |
Hendricks Elementary | Michael Perkins |