
Advanced Learning


Advanced Learning - Enrichment. Extension. Experiences.

Dr. Andrew Kutscher

Supervisor K-12

Lisa Kappel

Administrative Assistant
P: 770-426-3324
F: 678-594-8581


Angela WilsonConsultant K-12
Vijay KoilpillaiTalent Development Consultant

The Vision of the Advanced Learning Programs Department is to promote rigorous curricular content in conjunction with critical inquiry, creativity, communication of complex thoughts, and an authentic approach to learning. We support the balance of curricular depth and breadth while fostering the development of academic habits and skills.

The goals of Cobb’s Advanced Learning Programs Department are:

  • Develop cognitive skills
  • Develop affective skills
  • Extend and enrich the Georgia Standards of Excellence

Advanced Learning - Gifted Identification and Services



Advanced Learning - Talent Development



Advanced Learning - Post-Secondary Experiences



Helpful Videos


Gifted Characteristics


Gifted Eligibility Process



Summer Opportunities


Additional Resources

Disclaimer: Listings of resources do not indicate either knowledge of or an endorsement of any organization, company, or individual. Many of these sites were obtained from the GAGC site.