Performing Arts - Instrumental Music
Dr. Christopher FerrellSupervisor, Instrumental MusicP: 770.426.3404 | Cassie GorickiSecretaryP: 770.426.3404 |
Andrew Geocaris | Fine Arts Professional Learning Coordinator |
About Dr. Ferrell
Dr. Christopher Ferrell served as an instrumental music educator in the public schools of Texas and Georgia for 19 years prior to being appointed as Supervisor of Instrumental Music for the Cobb County School District. He serves as an artist, clinician, evaluator, and conductor for concert and marching arts throughout the United States. Mr. Ferrell received his Bachelor of Music from Miami University, his Master of Education in Music Education and the Doctor of Philosophy of Music Education at Auburn University. Dr. Ferrell holds memberships in the National Association for Music Education, the Georgia Music Educators Association, the National Band Association, the College Band Directors National Association, and Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters Fraternity.
Mission and Vision
The Cobb County School District Performing Arts Programs offer a balanced, comprehensive, standards-based arts curriculum as an important part of the education of the whole child. Courses are offered in dance, music, and theater.
We believe that study in the arts:
- Provides students with opportunities to propose and solve problems
- Provides a form of expression, skill development and overall enrichment to encourage lifelong learning
- Celebrates the achievement of diverse cultures
- Inspires creativity, helping students develop their own passions, strengths, and personal voices, while creating a sense of family and belonging
- Fosters self-esteem, community pride and skills, giving students hope and goals to strive for in their career pathway and life
In Cobb, we value the arts for the distinct and significant effect they have on the lives of our students both in the present and in their futures.
About Performing Arts
The Cobb County School District has more than 40,000 students enrolled in the music elective programs additionally each elementary student receives music instruction. The elective programs include band, chorus, orchestra, general music, music appreciation, piano keyboarding, AP music theory, and guitar. Our instrumental and vocal ensembles are seen and heard throughout the United States and worldwide. Recent accomplishments have included BOA Grand National Marching Band Champions – Lassiter HS Band, 7th place at BOA Competition – Kennesaw Mt. HS Band, and multiples of tours to Japan, Italy, Bahamas, England, and Germany.
Performing groups have been selected to appear at the Mid-West Band Clinic, the American Choral Director’s Association Divisional Conference, the Music Educator’s National Conference, the Georgia Music Educator’s Conference, the National Concert Band Festival, and numerous other events.
The Cobb County School District has been named as one of the “Best 100 Communities for Music in America” in 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,2015, 2016,2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.
CCSD also provides the Pebblebrook HS Center for the Performing Arts. This magnet performing arts school offers specialized instruction in voice, drama, and dance. Students enrolled in the program receive a two-hour integrated performing arts block. Students are expected to present a recital in their primary emphasis area and will also participate in repertory production involving all aspects of the performing arts. For more information go to
CCSD provides general music education for all students Kindergarten through fifth grade, as well as band, chorus, and orchestra instruction in the sixth grade. In grades six through twelve a wide variety of music course offerings is available to meet the interest of students and their abilities.
Performing Arts Magnet
CCSD provides the Pebblebrook High School Center for the Performing Arts. This magnet performing arts school offers specialized instruction in voice, theatre, and dance. Students enrolled in the program receive a two-hour integrated performing arts block. Students are expected to present a recital in their primary emphasis area and will also participate in repertory production involving all aspects of the performing arts. For more information go to
Concert Halls
Click here to view more information about The Concert Hall at Lassiter
Professional Organizations
Teachers are highly encouraged to become members and participate actively in professional organizations. These organizations not only provide teacher support and education through workshops, conventions, journals, and newsletters, but also provide national, regional, and statewide events for students. Some of these organizations are listed below:
- ACDA – American Choral Directors Association:
- AOSA – American Orff-Schulwerk Association:
- ASTA – American String Teachers Association:
- ECMMA – Early Childhood Music & Movement Association:
- GIML – The Gordon Institute for Music Learning:
- GMEA – Georgia Music Educators Association:
- NAfME – National Association for Music Educators:
- NBA – National Band Association:
- OAKE – Organization of American Kodaly Educators:
- TI-ME – Technology Institute for Music Educators:
Booster Organizations
Booster organizations are an important part of the athletic, music, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs in the Cobb County School District. Booster organizations play an important role in supporting, encouraging, and in advancing these programs. All booster organizations must be approved by the principal of each individual school and questions about individual booster organizations may be addressed to the principal of each school. All booster clubs must adhere to the Cobb County School District’s administrative rules and guidelines. Please refer to Board Policy: LEC-R
CCSD also provides Guidelines for Booster Organizations.
Booster Organization Funds: Booster club funds and equipment are property of the school district should the club be dissolved. Procedures for all financial matters should be clearly stated in the Booster Organization By-Laws. For further information, please discuss procedures for budget development with the music supervisors.
Click Here to make a donation in support of the CCSD Instrumental Music Programs
Performing Arts - Instrumental Music - Subject Areas
BandMiddle School Band High School Band | Marching Band |
JazzMiddle School Jazz High School Jazz | OrchestraMiddle School Orchestra High School Orchestra |
Other CoursesMusic Theory Music Appreciation Music Technology Guitar Piano |
Performing Arts - Instrumental Music - Cobb Teaching & Learning Standards