
Special Education – Transition Services



Sandra Murray, Assistant Director

Special Education

Kristin Pewitt

Transition Consultant

Holley Ashworth



Kelly BuiceTransition Resource Specialist
Allison BurgamyTransition Resource Specialist
Teresa ClackumTransition Resource Specialist
Amanda HallCommunity Based Skills Training Manager
Diane LatessaTransition Resource Specialist
Lauren MarksTransition Resource Specialist
Terri WoodwardTransition Resource Specialist

Click here for a listing of Transition Resource Specialist Locations

Transition Events



Community Resource Guide

Advocacy and Assistance

Community Participation


Extensive Supports

Financial & Legal Supports and Services

Health and Wellness

Independent Living

Post-secondary Education


What does CCSD's Transition Services Team Do?

The Transition Services Team for Cobb County School District works to make sure students with disabilities and their families are prepared to make the transition into post-high school life.

Each high school and middle school in the district has a Transition Resource Specialist (TRS) assigned to support the school.

Transition Resource Specialists

  • Meet with graduating seniors to help them connect with post-secondary agencies and advise them on next steps.
  • Advise students with disabilities and families about post-secondary options in the areas of employment, education/training, community access, and independent living.
  • Schedule and host a variety of events and speakers to help students with disabilities and their families learn more about post-secondary funding sources and post-secondary education, training, employment, and independent living opportunities.
  • Guide case managers, students with disabilities, and their families in the transition planning process.
  • Support Transition Services programs for students with disabilities who are 18-22 years old.


Transition Services Programs for Students with Disabilities 18-22 Years Old 

Cobb County School District has several options for students with disabilities who are at least 18 years old, have completed academic and testing requirements for graduation*, but are still eligible for special education services. Decisions regarding participation in Transition Programs/Classes are made through the IEP process.

Transition Services Programs include: Transition Classes, Project Life, and Supported Work-Based Learning.
Transition Classes

  • Instruction in Transition classes focuses on independent living/daily living skills, community access skills, and employability or pre-employment skills.
  • There are several Transition classes designed to meet the various needs of students at a variety of independence levels. Determinations about which class may meet a student’s needs are made through the IEP process.
  • Currently, Transition classes are located at Allatoona High School, Harrison High School, Hillgrove High School, Kennesaw Mountain High School, North Cobb High School, Osborne High School, Pebblebrook High School, Pope High School, South Cobb High School, Sprayberry High School, and Wheeler High School.

Project Life

  • Project Life consists of the Corporate Classroom Program and the SETS (Students Exploring Transition Services) Program.
  • Project Life classes are not located at CCSD high schools.
    • Currently the Corporate Classroom program is located at the Instructional Support Center for Cobb County School District.
    • The SETS Program classes are located on the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses of Kennesaw State University.
  • Students in Project Life programs participate in unpaid internships/volunteer opportunities in order to improve employability skills.
  • Students in Project Life programs are introduced to adult responsibilities through their internships/volunteer opportunities, classroom instruction, and community-based instruction.
  • Participation in Project Life programs requires a high level of independence.

Supported Work-Based Learning

Supported Work-Based Learning (SWBL) is an extension of Cobb County School District’s Work-Based Learning Program. Students must meet similar requirements in order to participate in SWBL. *Students may participate in SWBL while completing other credit and testing requirements for graduation.

  • SWBL is located at CCSD’s Kennesaw Warehouse.
  • Students in SWBL must provide their own transportation.
  • SWBL is a ½ day program (either morning or afternoon).


Information Guides for Transition Planning

*Por favor, comunícate con la escuela de tu estudiante para obtener guías en Español.
*Entre em contato com a escola do seu aluno para obter guias em Português.

Diploma GuideDiploma Guide

family-supports-services-guide_image.9e7fd099919.pngFamily Supports Services Guide

frequentlyrequestedsupports_heropic_102424.73d2db105771.pngFrequently Requested Supports


Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency

Guardianship Guide

Guardianship Guide

ipse-one-pager_image.6d66b599918.pngInclusive Post-secondary Education

medicaid-waiver-guide_updated_image.48fbdb99917.pngMedicaid Waiver Guide

post-secondary-career-training-guide_updated_image.a3556099916.pngPost-secondary Career Training Guide

postsecondaryoptions_heropic_102424.73d953105770.pngPost-secondary Options

ssi-one-pager_updated.f9503499915.pngSupplemental Security Income (SSI) Guide

Transition TimelineTransition Timeline

transition-to-college-for-swd_updated.ea884399923.pngTransition to College for SWD


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