
2025 High School Summer Credit Recovery Program


2025 Cobb High School Summer Credit Recovery Program


June 5th - June 24th

Summer School Sites: Kennesaw Mountain High School & Wheeler High School

Students must bring laptops. If a laptop is needed, contact the school the student is currently enrolled for information on how to secure one.

Important Dates

Parent Student Orientation (Mandatory) June 5th - Attend either 10:00pm or 2:00pm Onsite at assigned summer site location

Week 1: June 5       (9:00am - 3:00pm)

Week 2: June 9-12       (9:00am - 3:00pm)

Week 3: June 16-18       (9:00am - 3:00pm)

Holiday: June 19

Week 4: June 23, 24       (9:00 am - 3:00pm)

EOC Testing - June 25, 26       (9:00am - 3:00pm)


Enrolling adults will register HIGH SCHOOL students through ParentVUE

Instructions to register high school students through ParentVUE:
English: Click Here  |  En Español: Click Here  |  Em Portugûes: Click Here

Enrolling adults of MIDDLE SCHOOL students will register their students by contacting the current middle school administration to be guided through the process.

Courses Offered: 
English: Click Here  |  En Español: Click Here  |  Em Portugûes: Click Here

Summer School Sites with the zoned high schools: Click Here

Information (English)
 Information (Spanish) 
Information (Portuguese) 

If you are looking to take an online course for initial credit (have not taken it before) then reach out to Cobb Virtual Academy.

Cobb Virtual Academy